Pass Labs XP-30 preamp?


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2012
Austin, Tx.
Does anyone here own this pre, or have some experience with it? Just not much info out there on it and I sure am curious about it. If you have it or have heard it any thing you'd like to share would be appreciated, thank you!

I've had one since last fall. Hard to describe... it just lets the music flow through. Realistic soundstage and precise imaging with plenty of air between the voices and instruments. Solid bass. It is very neutral in tonal character.
Hi Christian,

Thank you for the reply. I think I caught a post of yours over on Audiogon and put up a response, not sure if you saw it or replied yet. Anyway, so I take it you are happy with the pre? I currently have a BAT VK-51SE and the Pass XA-100.5 mono blocks, I wonder, do you think I would think the Pass sounds a little lean or dry compared to the BAT?
Hi Christian,

Thank you for the reply. I think I caught a post of yours over on Audiogon and put up a response, not sure if you saw it or replied yet. Anyway, so I take it you are happy with the pre? I currently have a BAT VK-51SE and the Pass XA-100.5 mono blocks, I wonder, do you think I would think the Pass sounds a little lean or dry compared to the BAT?

I run my XP-30 into XA-100.5's. Nothing lean about it. imo. I have not heard the BAT so cannot render an opinion. I'm not thinking about preamps anymore and that is a good thing.
Good to hear that you don't feel the need to worry about preamps anymore. I guess I need to step up my efforts in trying to find one for audition. Thanks for the help Christian!
Good to hear that you don't feel the need to worry about preamps anymore. I guess I need to step up my efforts in trying to find one for audition. Thanks for the help Christian!

Reno HiFi, no affiliation...just great service. If you don't like, you pay shipping both ways. On another Pass note, I wish they didn't come out with the XS series of amps. I want the XS 150...LOL
Has anyone heard these new XS amps?
XS 150 retails for $65K I believe...

How does that cost compare to Dan's Momentum mono amps in terms of price?
Here in the UK the Momentum do pose a price challenge to several high end expensive amps - My primary dealer has Dartzeel NHB-458 , amongst other high end and the Momentums (also dealer for these with own demo pair) set an incredible standard for the price; expensive but in scale of high end price they are a bargain compared to a few others.
Has anyone heard these new XS amps?


I got two pair last week, and have install One pair this week and Wil install the last pair ón monday, the Best amp i ever had, the Will be instal same with avalon isis and time.


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