First listen to WAMM from TAS


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2014
Canberra Australia
I was intrigued to see on the TAS website the first listen from RH

when i went back later it had disappeared...hopefully it will come back up

maybe it crashed cos so many people were reading it ;)

"The WAMM’s price reflects the epic nature of the project: a breathtaking $685,000 per pair."

Gee, that's only $681,000 more than my speakers, with which I remain satisfied.

"Wilson says that the new system can align the outputs of each driver to within 5 microseconds at the listening position, and he asserts that this degree of precision is a cornerstone of the WAMM’s performance."

Does it come with a matching adjustable skull clamp to lock your head in position to meet that 0.000005 second specification?
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with sound travelling at 343 m/s thats an accuracy of 1.7 mm
The preview was incomplete - no reference to amplification, for example - so they are probably re-doing it. Overall, it sounds like a great speaker, worth listening to if possible

"The WAMM’s price reflects the epic nature of the project: a breathtaking $685,000 per pair."

"Wilson says that the new system can align the outputs of each driver to within 5 microseconds at the listening position, and he asserts that this degree of precision is a cornerstone of the WAMM’s performance."

Does it come with a matching adjustable skull clamp to lock your head in position to meet that 0.000005 second specification?

Ridiculous ! Yes what the reviewer described is exactly what psycho acoustics can accomplish. Wilson needs to be commended....but I need to go back into business.

From a post I made this morning......

"With psycho acoustics now the brain can process this flood of information that no longer is reaching the ear out of time. Without the time delay there is no cancellation,no unscrambling to deal with,just like sound in the real world that pattern is uniform and complete. Is it perfect no, but it is a vast improvement over a sound reproduction system without it. In sum the improved sound field produces a far more lifelike illusion.

In terms of audiophile jargon,there are certain things that stand out that in lower resolution systems that are less noticeable. The natural decay of the instrument which now seems to be more complete. Speed or in time as the music has much improved pace. Power as instruments now are portrayed with more energy. Reverberation as with the improvement of space and time the concert hall actually becomes a part of the recording or illusion. Time and space as the movement of the performers and the energy released by the instruments now takes on quality of realism.

The recording is now revealed with all the good and bad. The good being, the best now can defy the limits of the walls and ceilings of the listening room and the illusion that the brain now produces in a more natural analog process becomes 3 dimensional. The listener is part of the environment of the recording venue."
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The preview was incomplete - no reference to amplification, for example - so they are probably re-doing it. Overall, it sounds like a great speaker, worth listening to if possible

Probably the big VTLs that can be seen in this picture:

Does it come with a matching adjustable skull clamp to lock your head in position to meet that 0.000005 second specification?

Interesting question assuming it's relevant to the product at hand. No opinion.

On the more serious side, there are many WA fans in this forum and I've heard there is going to be a very limited production run and a number of them are already pre-sold to previous WA clientele.

Seems to be following the recent Wolf / Magico marketing model.

"Wilson says that the new system can align the outputs of each driver to within 5 microseconds at the listening position, and he asserts that this degree of precision is a cornerstone of the WAMM’s performance."

. . . . Does it come with a matching adjustable skull clamp to lock your head in position to meet that 0.000005 second specification?

I heard it comes with one of these and it screws right into the outer cortex of the calvarium:


After wearing it for the first month 24/7, it becomes completely comfortable.
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Nice - RH uses my favorite Sheffield direct-to-disc LP, The King James Version, and the David Abel and Julie Steinberg recording in the pre-review. He seems mesmerized with the speaker - I can almost hear the scratching of the pens of wealthy audiophiles signing the checks! :D
"The WAMM’s price reflects the epic nature of the project: a breathtaking $685,000 per pair."

Does it come with a matching adjustable skull clamp to lock your head in position to meet that 0.000005 second specification?

Not required, in a psycho acoustic system the sweet spot on the majority of recordings does not exist.
Not required, in a psycho acoustic system the sweet spot on the majority of recordings does not exist.

Not sure what you mean by "Psycho acoustic system" ?
Not sure what you mean by "Psycho acoustic system" ?

Franz . This Wilson design incorporates time domain correction,which is psycho acoustics.
My initial reaction was I was shocked by the price,paying almost 3/4th's of a million dollars is a lot to turn the key into this level of reproduction. I am excited though because the door has been opened,although disappointed that so few will be able to have the experience of a 3 dimensional sound field. Actually it is better than that in some cases,as the reviewer doesn't mention the "virtual reality" aspect, of the reproduction,"you are there". I'm sure in a few years Wilson will filter this technology down through the his line and the price will drop. I am also surprised that he accomplished this from a single column design....Bravo!

The WAMM’s spatial presentation was stunning. The large enclosures simply disappeared, replaced by a deep, richly layered, and intricately detailed representation of the instruments within an acoustic space. And the way that instruments and voices hung in three-dimensional space, separate from one another yet part of the coherent whole, was breathtaking.
Has anyone here been to the Wilson room?

What are the dimensions? Is it a normal room in their home or designed for audio? If specific to audio, who designed it?
... I can almost hear the scratching of the pens of wealthy audiophiles signing the checks! :D

$685K may be too little to ask for these. Since this is a limited production run, they should get more of these "orgasmic" reviews in, like Harley's, sell one to Fremer at a discount so it can be reviewed and displayed as part of his reference system, and then hold an auction.

Let's not forget what happened to Magico Pro: They only made 50 (+1 for Valin, as marketing expense), and sold out in a month @ $130K. I bet Wolf is kicking himself for not asking $150K for them, and investing those funds for more R&D.

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