Artists That Seemingly Can Do No Wrong?

Ron Party

WBF Founding Member
Apr 30, 2010
Oakland, CA
We all have our favorite artists. For me, e.g., early 70s Genesis was tops. Joe Bonamassa is a guitar God. But virtually all of my favorite artists have put out at least one album that didn't quite cut the mustard. It got me thinking ... is there an artist that just always puts out 4 to 5 star albums? I thought long and hard about this one. It was tough. Then one artist came to mind. I find every album he put out to be just brilliant. Who is he? Pat Metheny.

What say you? Who rocks your being with every single album?

(Amir, per our PM and in your honor, I reconsidered and am starting this thread:) )
Hi, Ron. Good to hear from you again sir. For me, I think it would have to be anything that has been done by Mark Knopfler. I have thoroughly enjoyed every album I have, which is most or perhaps all of them that is obtainable to me in the US.

Hi Ron! Great question, but IMO there isn't. Is everything on canvas by Rembrandt or every photograph by Ansel Adams or every poem by Robert Burns a 4 or 5? There isn't an artist in the world producing that kind of consistency. However, as fans of certain artists (regardless of discipline) we can enjoy their work with such enthusiasm that none of that seems to matter...we are just drawn to them. We view their lesser works with equal joy and admiration, because we admire the artist and are thereby more open to the gift of their talent without putting a rating on their creations.

For me, one of those artists is The Alan Parsons Project band.
It will always be Pentangle. Their stuff still continues to amaze me. No matter old or later personnel groupings.
Amir, per our PM and in your honor, I reconsidered and am starting this thread:) )
Ron, it is my privilege to welcome you back.

As to your question, I am in the same boat. There were times where I thought some of my favorites could do no wrong only to have an album come out and make you wonder completely.
I don't think it happens, and that's a good thing. If an artist is turning out very consistent product, they're not taking many chances. Risk will always lead to error, but it leads to greatness as well. The artist that consistently turns out 4s, probably never gets a 5.

Miles Davis JUST fails this test. Just...
If his output had ended at the Pangea/Agharta live performances from Tokyo in 1975, this would have been a 25 year long career of one high after another.
A shame that Tutu and Amandala came along in the '80's :(
Keith Jarret is my top-of-mind pick.

Keith is like Glenn Gould; a hummingbird. :b
...And no cell phones (Androids, iPhones) @ his music concerts taking pictures with's a big distraction to him.
But yes I agree; Keith Jarrett and gang can do no wrong (ECM Jazz record label).


Patricia Barber can do no wrong. ...Lucinda Williams can do no wrong. ...Cassandra Wilson can do no wrong. ...Buddy Guy can do no wrong. ...Many more.
...Including Joe Bonamassa and Beth Hart.
Ron I think that we can agree there are a lot of consistently good musicians out there there. Not many deserve a five star rating. My choice enjoyed tremendous popular success but not much critical acclaim. James Brown. May God rest his soul..
I'm far from a completist so this is tough for me. That said top of mind goes to Tears for Fears simply because they've yet to come out with a dog of an album despite morphing styles. Someone like Michael Jackson who likewise had no dogs stayed pretty much the same stylistically speaking, from the 80's onwards anyway.
Music we love, music we play...The Beatles, The Stones, Chet Baker, John Lee Hooker, John Coltrane, Yes, Pink Floyd, Tangerine Dream, Billie Holiday, Ella Fitzgerald. Sonny Rollins, Harmonium, Jethro Tull, The Doors, Zeppelin, Frank Sinatra, Nat King Cole, Holly Cole, Bill Evans, Thelonious Monk, Bob Dylan, Van Morrison, John Sebastian Bach, Amadeus Mozart, Ludwig Van Beethoven, Frederic Chopin, Stravinsky, Jim Hall, Dave Holland, Dave Douglas, Charlie Haden, ...they all can do no wrong. ...And a zillion more.
Wow...very interesting. I am NOT a collector who needs to have every work by an artist...but I think have most all (maybe not ALL) of the works of:

- JS Bach
- Handel
- Vivaldi

- Oscar Peterson
- Bill Evans
- David Brubeck

- Snoop Dogg
- Dr Dre

Deep House
- Ame
- John Tejada

Pink Floyd

Lord of the Rings (All)
Fast & Furious 1-7
Hans Zimmer Soundtacks (Dark Knight, Sherlock Holmes, Gladiator, Thin Red Line, Man of Steel etc)

Rodriguo y Gabriela
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nice post,as said everyone has their favorites now with that said, even amoung favs there can be slips, i absolutely love the temptations but there are one or two of their albums that I don't dig but for the most part they don't miss too often.
have updated my list a bit...realized i've gone after 'all' of a few other artists/categories...see above by 2 posts.
very good question,i have many albums from my favs,but even the best miss once in awhile.
For me the one band that I can say I like every track on every album is Led Zeppelin. I don't think there is many other bands out there that have gone as far as they have with only 9 albums.
i think Tim in an earlier post pointed it out succintly: There simply ain't no such animal. Even the greatest and most gifted can become stale, go through periods of productive crisis and with luck, perserveriance and hard work can rejuvenate. Am thinking of Joni Mitchel and her long and varied career here as just one example.
We all have our favorite artists. For me, e.g., early 70s Genesis was tops.

Foxtrot is my personal fav, I often play it just to demonstrate P.Collins powerful percussion, prior to his failing hands and poppy years.

Tough question. :confused:

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