Are there any members who own or have listened to the Korf tonearm?


Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2018
Hi everyone

I read with great interest about the Korf tonearm. It appears that they’ve researched most aspects of tonearm design and come up with some interesting solutions. Are there any members that own one of these arms or have at least heard one? I would be interested in your opinions. Thank you.

Best regards
If I remember right the first of the Korf tonearms aren’t due to be delivered to customers until March 2022 so you might have a while to wait for an answer. Like you I will be interested to hear any comments once they are with customers.

David Whistance

Thank you for letting me know that the 1st batch of Korf tonearms has not yet been released. I read that the 1st batch was sold out, I didn’t know they had not been released yet. It seems like they’ve really done their research. However, we both know the proof is in how they sound. I hope we’ll get a review or two. Should be interesting. Take care.

Best regards
Any updates yet?
Have recently received and setup a Korf on my turntable. Aesthetically elegant looking, in my opinion. It is not difficult to install too, rather straight forward.

Upon using it, one will take notice of its bearing. Feels zero stiction, be it vertical or horizontal movement.

I do not have many experience with other tonearms, hence, don’t think I can describe its sound signature. However, am able to hear the cartridge and tonearm cable sound signature. Tonearm allowing one to hear a cartridge sound signature, I reckoned it is a tonearm doing its best?

Cannot feed too much comment as Korf is also my first heavy mass tonearm.
I have my (just fully serviced by Expert Stylus) London Reference cartridge mounted on the newly-released Korf TA-AF9 tonearm - headshell, wand and bearings all ceramic:

TechDAS - Korf - Decca.jpg

This is the first arm the Reference has been truly happy on. And the sound? In a word, phenomenal!


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