A "Like" Button

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Andrew Stenhouse

New Member
Feb 14, 2016
Sydney, Australia
One of the innovations on Stereonet Australia (SNA), in addition to an upgrade of the site, has been the addition of a like button which you can hit when you approve of a post.

It then appears as a credit in your profile, which I personally enjoy. So on Stereonet, I have made 1217 posts, and received 1160 "likes". Not quite one for one but getting there.

The interesting thing is that the "what's spinning threads" have never been busier, and the "likes" for a frequent poster on that sub forum typically are 2-3 times their post count.

When someone "likes" your posts, it encourages you to post again. If someone makes an aggressive post, and it receives no "likes" then my experience is that it tends to cool down the poster a little, and not encourage the line of country ventured into.

I would love to see the same thing adopted here.

The actual website might benefit from an update as well. This is the software that SNA uses: https://www.invisionpower.com/features/apps#forums

Version 3.4.7. Before that it was vBulletin, as is this site.

Just a suggestion, nothing more.
It's like Facebook...right Andrew? ...Many "Likes" collectors there, ...and the cute girls they get the most... Lol

* But on audio forums there are no girls...very rarely...one per 1,000 on average. Debbie (Wilson) is not posting anymore, and neither Terry, no Josie, no Kate either, no Angela.
But here's one example of the "like" feature:

- Poster A type a message that poster B doesn't agree with.
- Poster B replied to it, but not only disagrees he uses a "cruel" word...like "rotten" just as an example.
- Poster C gives a "like" to poster B. ...And twenty more posters give a "like" to poster B as well.

Do you see the dislike here?

That's one negative side of "like". There are more...
Used positively no sweat. But it is also used negatively by some, yes sweat.

Personally, I'm all in for the positive side of it, but because too many times I also saw the negative side; I never ever use it personally.
If I like a post I say it by replying to it with words that are even more encouraging than a simple click.

I know that I'm in the minority, and it's ok.

Just another point of view. ...Perhaps more humane and less robotic in this age of cyber space.
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Hi Andrew

I have asked for this before as it is a good feature, as you and I know well. It may well encourage folks here on WBF to actually post and discuss music like it does on SNA with the music just spinning threads and it then further encourages one to listen and search out more music.

But like most things on WBF, it seems as if the like button will only be used for evil. Nothing new here, the 5% determining the 95% in this PC world.
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Hi Andrew

I have asked for this before as it is a good feature, as you and I know well. It may well encourage folks here on WBF to actually post and discuss music like it does on SNA with the music just spinning threads and it then further encourages one to listen and search out more music.

But like most things on WBF, it seems as if the like button will only be used for evil. Nothing new here, the 5% determining the 95% in this PC world.

oh well, perhaps times they are a changin' Shane...maybe.
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oh how WBF has managed without this tool of instant self congratulation is beyond me... andrew has a point, as tool to manipulate the populus it can be useful, they do similar things with monkeys and even mice.

i hope the need for ego boost through a system of abbreviated recognition will not take hold in WBF.
I'm indifferent about a like button.
Good morning ladies and gentlemen, the "like" button has been discussed by the management team at length and it was decided to not use it. We do have a 5-star system for a thread for those who are interested in using it. The WBF also has a "like" button to share those threads you like on Facebook.

I agree with Treitz and Northstar--NO like button.

If someone likes a post, they like it, if they don't like it, they don't like it. These types of opinions can get personal and it is better not to voice them. There are things better NOT said--good or bad.

The facebook likes, etc, are for children who need need their pathologically weak egos boosted. We don't need that here.
I agree with Treitz and Northstar--NO like button.

If someone likes a post, they like it, if they don't like it, they don't like it. These types of opinions can get personal and it is better not to voice them. There are things better NOT said--good or bad.

The facebook likes, etc, are for children who need need their pathologically weak egos boosted. We don't need that here.
Oh the irony.

I agree with Treitz and Northstar--NO like button.

If someone likes a post, they like it, if they don't like it, they don't like it. These types of opinions can get personal and it is better not to voice them. There are things better NOT said--good or bad.

The facebook likes, etc, are for children who need need their pathologically weak egos boosted. We don't need that here.
I agree with Treitz and Northstar--NO like button.

If someone likes a post, they like it, if they don't like it, they don't like it. These types of opinions can get personal and it is better not to voice them. There are things better NOT said--good or bad.

The facebook likes, etc, are for children who need need their pathologically weak egos boosted. We don't need that here.


I wouldn't know about Facebook's buttons, I've never been there.

I wouldn't know about Facebook's buttons, I've never been there.
I love Facebook! I really do. However, you have to be selective and not just post indiscriminately. I have family spread across the globe and good friends that live on the other side of the country, so it's a great way to keep in touch and stay informed. It works for me.

I wouldn't know about Facebook's buttons, I've never been there.

I've never been there either.

I just know what people tell me--like in this thread where I learned they have a like button!
I agree with Treitz and Northstar--NO like button.

If someone likes a post, they like it, if they don't like it, they don't like it. These types of opinions can get personal and it is better not to voice them. There are things better NOT said--good or bad.

The facebook likes, etc, are for children who need need their pathologically weak egos boosted. We don't need that here.

Would this post have gotten a "like" or "don't like" vote?!?!?! LOL :p :p
I am guessing you are not a fan of the +1 either. Basically the same thing.

I agree with Treitz and Northstar--NO like button.

If someone likes a post, they like it, if they don't like it, they don't like it. These types of opinions can get personal and it is better not to voice them. There are things better NOT said--good or bad.

The facebook likes, etc, are for children who need need their pathologically weak egos boosted. We don't need that here.
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