Greetings from Greenville SC....


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2010
Greer South Carolina (USA)
Good Day Everyone! Jumping in here from Greenville SC; I've been a member on Audiogon for a quite a few years and am starting
to participate here as I note a greater depth of substance of posts, equipment reviews, etc...I love listening to many types of music
from pipe organ and taiko drumming, world music, classical, all types of jazz, R&B, rock, prog-rock, new age, fusion, electronica, etc...

My dad had a big band in the 1940s-1970s and I grew up listening to all the greats of Jazz and Swing/BB him on a modest LP-based
system (Technics, SAE, Harmon Kardon, Infiniti RS7s) as well as playing music for most of the first 25 years of my life. I also spent
alot of time playing Symphonic Classical and Wind Ensemble and had great experiences doing that as well as the Big Band/Jazz Ensemble
work. Ever since, I have sought out music of all types; it's my passion and everything I pursue in this hobby is to get as close to the
"real thing" in playback as possible.

The first good system I heard was in Rochester NY in 1982,...DCM Time Windows, Hafler and Carver monos and tube pre-amp and
phono pre-amp; I've been hooked ever since! I've been through a lot of 2-ch and multi-channel audio & home-theater "phases"
but since 2009, I've focused on pure 2-channel listening and picked digital (lost a good number of great LPs many years
ago in a house water-line break) to focus all my time, money and efforts on.

In short, music, love this hobby-obsession and really enjoy talking and writing about audio gear and music as many hours a
week as work, life and family will allow :)
Greetings neighbor from Rock Hill, SC! You are just a short drive up 5 from me. Please allow me to offer you a very warm welcome to the What's Best Forum! The first good system I ever heard was when I was 8 years old. I walked in to my Uncle Tommy's living room and he had a pair of home made Klipshorns, a vinyl rig and this weird looking thing at the time called a tube amp. This was the seed that blossomed for me. I remember very well the DCM time windows, they had a great sound for their size....lots of fun! Which of the Carver monos were they....7T, 9T or the big boy tube amps?

Thank you! Not to far of a drive at all...I think we'll have to do something about that great music in-hand :D
There was always music around the house in the late 60s to 1981 either being played or playing (on whatever
my Dad could afford, I spent hours late at night with headphones plugged into his system when music could be
played on the speakers themselves as well). I don't remember the model of the Carvers or the Haflers in 1982
but remember thinking all that gear was 'cool and beautiful" and started thinking of how I could work and save
to be able to have such a system....other guys were talking about cars, boats, etc...I was already obsessing on
audio gear! Thanks for the note....let's talk soon and get plans together to do some listening!
Thank you very much!
I saw the other thread. It looks like you have assembled quite the system! My hat goes off to you. Yes, I'd be happy to do some listening. Whether it be here, there or both...I'm game. Although, I'll admit your system looks like it might be a tad bit more refined than mine. Still curious to see where my rig stands against a system such as yours because my experience dictates that one "never knows" until they get their ears on it. There is another highly regarded member here (Marty) that I'd also like you to meet, if you do not mind. Perhaps we can start a little NC/SC club of sorts.....we have been trying to do that for some time. Right now, we make up this "club", if you will. Finding audiophiles around our parts are like trying to find a OEM blower assembly for a 1912 Model T Torpedo.

I love listening to music and have learning that system performance and price often have nothing to do with each other....some of the configs I built were incredibly resolving but not as musical as they could have been so I never judge and always go into things with open ears; same for hearing alot of other gear and systems owned by others over the years. I have a friend here in town that has a $1000 tube integrated (that he got for $500!), a set of B&W Matrix from a long time ago, some older MIT cables and only a streaming (internet sourced) front-end device that I love to hear. He's put the system together for about the same as a high-priced 'uber' component and a set of cables in today's terms and frankly, it creates great music that's alot of fun and very satisfying to listen to. All this is incredibly subjective,...I'd love to hear your system and will open house so we can hear mine. Basically, I do all this to hear music that I love as best as is possible. Let's talk! I'm thinking of putting something together for June 10th or 12th...afternoon with some food to follow. We will probably have a fourth (counting you and Marty) who is local as well. Let me know if either date works for you and then we can take this offline (regular email) and make a plan!
Good Day! Let me know if the 10th or 12th can work for you; otherwise, we can look at alternative dates....
I had to check with my boss first (my wife :)) and it seems as if we have family either driving up or flying in the next two weekends, along with this weekend. Looks like we will have to look at alternative dates. I'll send you a PM with my contact information. Looking forward to meeting you and getting some listening time in.

I am very familiar with the parameters of having a higher power in one's life <LOL>!

Replied to your email and sent you my contact info as well; let me know what works for you. We can plan around schedules and get
this to happen at the earliest. I'm really looking forward to the get together and sharing some great music and food!

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  • What’s Best Forum is THE forum for high end audio, product reviews, advice and sharing experiences on the best of everything else. This is THE place where audiophiles and audio companies discuss vintage, contemporary and new audio products, music servers, music streamers, computer audio, digital-to-analog converters, turntables, phono stages, cartridges, reel-to-reel tape machines, speakers, headphones and tube and solid-state amplification. Founded in 2010 What’s Best Forum invites intelligent and courteous people of all interests and backgrounds to describe and discuss the best of everything. From beginners to life-long hobbyists to industry professionals, we enjoy learning about new things and meeting new people, and participating in spirited debates.

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