SUPATRAC Blackbird Tonearm


Well-Known Member
Dec 10, 2018
This tonearm seems to be receiving a lot of interest Michael Fremer was interested in it at the recent Munich High End show.
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A very interesting tonearm. Like many great designs, it's so simple you have to wonder why nobody thought of it before.
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I am sorry I have missed this at Munich, looks very interesting.
There's a very healthy thread on the arm at Lenco Heaven, as well as a DIY thread about the SUPA idea. Really fun reads, and some spectacular DIY versions explored...I've ordered one from Richard (the designer) which will be the basis for a "new" Lenco-powered 2-arm table (the other arm will be a Gray 108 in magnesium, running a GE VRII and a Zu Denon DL-103r on Karmadon sleds (the Gray has both stereo and mono wiring harnesses).
I am very interested in this arm as a second arm for my garrard 401 project! The videos and the logic has convinced me.
The video: I like that he says inertia instead of arm mass.
This tonearm seems to be receiving a lot of interest Michael Fremer was interested in it at the recent Munich High End show.
Yes, it took me a few back-and-forths to understand the concept, but then I realized it had the benefits of my beloved WTT Reference tonearm, but with improved stability. A brilliantly simple concept executed nicely. I do look forward to giving it a listen one of these days.
Should you be interested in reading more from the designer, there's a long thread over in the UK on pink fish media:

Shoutout to @Salectric above - it's been a while.
A long while indeed @palasr! Send me an email when you get a chance to update me on things.

Do you have a Supatrac Blackbird? If I didn't already have one tonearm too many, I would be placing an order. These days I am fine alternating between my Triplanar and Siggwan.
Yes, it took me a few back-and-forths to understand the concept, but then I realized it had the benefits of my beloved WTT Reference tonearm, but with improved stability. A brilliantly simple concept executed nicely. I do look forward to giving it a listen one of these days.
I ended up with a Supa via a WTT clone, which I still own.
We have a 10.5" Supatrac here, fitting it to a 401 plinth top plate next week, comparison to the Viv Labs will be interesting as this is my current arm.
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We have a 10.5" Supatrac here, fitting it to a 401 plinth top plate next week, comparison to the Viv Labs will be interesting as this is my current arm.
There's been quite a kerfuffle over on Lenco Heaven about this geometry....will be interesting to read your impressions!
There's been quite a kerfuffle over on Lenco Heaven about this geometry....will be interesting to read your impressions!
Which, the Viv Labs?
The Viv Labs was held up as an example of a successful underhung configuration. It got heated as a few pedants had already decided that underhung cannot under any circumstance sound good. So it became one of those classic internet arguments of pedants (the objectivist side) vs peasants (the subjectivist) with everyone losing.

i didn’t pick a technical side, as i don’t have the acute hearing that supposedly i once had. Instead i tried to keep each side from being a-holes, and failed miserably. ;)
Well that is to be expected, partly because we have used calculations to indicate errors which some will pass judgement on emphatically, while others are prepared to experiment to verify how valid this data is, or not. It is understandable if your hobby is looking at graphs, it may provide some mild excitement / amusement, though there is little learning gained. Still, to this day, the finest sound from LP I have heard came from a 7" no offset tonearm, pivoting headshell, active MM cartridge into a unique phono section that employs no RIAA eq, and works by displacement / current. The graphs, calcs, data for this would look shocking and pretty off putting, however the sound was more realistic that one could imagine, go figure..!

Richards solution here is certainly an interesting one, so I'm very much looking forward to experiencing soon.
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The arms have yet to be compared...........Nigerian time is multi dimensional. I am Nigerian so do not bother trying to cancel me for that.

Kindest regards.G.
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