CAF 2022 Personal Highlights


Jul 30, 2015
Washington, DC
A fun weekend as always at Capital Audiofest.

Photo is of yours truly with my favorite speaker designer Greg Belman of Bache Audio. The room, which was on my short list of best sounding at the show, features the new 002AB Limited Edition speakers, Bache's top of the line. This 96db efficient augmented widebander has an active low bass driver (down to 25hz) powered by a built in Class 'D" amp. Electronics were by Alexus Audio with all tube amplification including a new parallel 300B design. I've listened to the 002AB at Bache in Brooklyn. The "Limited Edition" model which I hadn't heard until CAF features a new cloth surround mid-bass driver sourced from Italy. This is the speaker I covet. Not too big for my small listening room, and wonderfully resolving and natural sounding, it would allow me to free my upgraded Pathos TT from reproducing the low end and allow it to focus its potent performance higher up. Now if I could only get my wife onboard.......

Note that the Stereophile reporter seemed to like the sound as much as I did:



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I'm a sucker for harp and a big fan of Isabeau Corriveau who played again at CAF. I have all of her recordings and recommend them.


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One of the most unusual looking speakers at CAF was to my ears also one of the best sounding. The Dolce Vita Sogna in the smaller Deja Vu Audio room features a full range driver with a super tweeter on top. Driven by Synthesis 300B monoblocks it threw a huge soundstage, adequately covered the frequency extremes and was extraordinarily musical and natural sounding. I could easily live with it in my system. Haven't been able to find much information about them. I understand that there is a larger model with movable slats - they were fixed on the Sogna.



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One of the most unusual looking speakers at CAF was to my ears also one of the best sounding. The Dolce Vita Sogna in the smaller Deja Vu Audio room features a full range driver with a super tweeter on top. Driven by Synthesis 300B monoblocks it threw a huge soundstage, adequately covered the frequency extremes and was extraordinarily musical and natural sounding. I could easily live with it in my system. Haven't been able to find much information about them. I understand that there is a larger model with movable slats - they were fixed on the Sogna.

I am not sure what happened to my photo. I do recall some very good sound in this room.

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