Anyone going to High End 2011 in Munich?

WBF member Ceedee will be there as an exhibitor. His company is Musical Reality.
I'm hoping someone can attend and take some good pictures. American magazines and sites like audiogon have been good about covering the North American shows, but weak covering what is going on in the rest of the world.
If you guys wanna get together and start a fund, I'd be more than happy to travel over there and report back.:D
Clement at Stereo Times usually goes and has a show report.

John is at least of Dutch background and speaks fluent Dutch. So he may speak fairly fluent German too. ;) :D


Enough to fake it anyway! :D
I'm hoping someone can attend and take some good pictures. American magazines and sites like audiogon have been good about covering the North American shows, but weak covering what is going on in the rest of the world.

We'll have a full report online starting on May 19 and concluding on the 22nd. It will be at Hundreds of photos and at least 8 to 10 feature articles, plus 1080p video. I leave first thing in the A.M. . . .
Thank you Jeff! I've really enjoyed your previous show reports, and I'll be checking the site daily for updates.
Hi Jeff,

Great photos and updates! thanks! Would be very interested about 2 things you heard there...the new Gryphon electronics. i own the Antileon, which you've kindly advised me about a little while ago, and given the departure to the Colosseum...i wonder if this new amp is somewhere in between in sound (where the Colosseum was generally regarded as superior but a touch less warm).

And the Guarneri...Eur30K?? Is this a sign of manufacturers quickly adjusting pricepoints upwards to catch the more recession-proof segment? Last i checked, the original Stradivari was far closer to that price than the Guarneri. When i had strads a few yrs ago they retailed for around Eur30-40K i thought. at least give SF a chance...have they really improved the Guarneri that much??
Hi Jeff,

Great photos and updates! thanks! Would be very interested about 2 things you heard there...the new Gryphon electronics. i own the Antileon, which you've kindly advised me about a little while ago, and given the departure to the Colosseum...i wonder if this new amp is somewhere in between in sound (where the Colosseum was generally regarded as superior but a touch less warm).

And the Guarneri...Eur30K?? Is this a sign of manufacturers quickly adjusting pricepoints upwards to catch the more recession-proof segment? Last i checked, the original Stradivari was far closer to that price than the Guarneri. When i had strads a few yrs ago they retailed for around Eur30-40K i thought. at least give SF a chance...have they really improved the Guarneri that much??

We've corrected the price of the SF: they are 15k euro for the pair.

The new Gryphons are flagship models, but not playing.
One more thing that may be a bit obvious (and maybe a touch controversial): The North American press was essentially MIA in terms of any real coverage of this event. This year it was 30% larger than last year and one of the largest high-end shows in the world (one manufacturer told us it is second only to CES in importance, and that even that was questionable). I'm amazed that anyone that covers the industry, as we do, could ignore it.

For the first time we have video right in our reports taken at the show and this was, overall, the largest report we've ever done with a two-man team. We hope you enjoy it, as we enjoy this show greatly (though I will admit I'm ready to get home to my wife and kids!). Check back around 3:00 EST (9:00 p.m. over here, and it should all be online).
One more thing that may be a bit obvious (and maybe a touch controversial): The North American press was essentially MIA in terms of any real coverage of this event. This year it was 30% larger than last year and one of the largest high-end shows in the world (one manufacturer told us it is second only to CES in importance, and that even that was questionable). I'm amazed that anyone that covers the industry, as we do, could ignore it.

For the first time we have video right in our reports taken at the show and this was, overall, the largest report we've ever done with a two-man team. We hope you enjoy it, as we enjoy this show greatly (though I will admit I'm ready to get home to my wife and kids!). Check back around 3:00 EST (9:00 p.m. over here, and it should all be online).
Any idea why lack of North American press Jeff?
So what are the chances you will get to review KEF Blade in the near future :)
Was on my list that I hoped you would get a chance to listen to critically when you asked in that topic awhile ago for speaker list from members.

Anyway it does seem the Munich and Paris shows are getting stronger as you say, possibly due to Eastern Europe-Russia-Asia coming over here to Western Europe for these shows.
Any idea why lack of North American press Jeff?
So what are the chances you will get to review KEF Blade in the near future :)
Was on my list that I hoped you would get a chance to listen to critically when you asked in that topic awhile ago for speaker list from members.

Anyway it does seem the Munich and Paris shows are getting stronger as you say, possibly due to Eastern Europe-Russia-Asia coming over here to Western Europe for these shows.

Working on a Blade review . . .

The answer to your next question is, again, going to sound a bit controversial. But I want to answer you honestly, and we spoke to many, many companies at High End and have a good pulse for these things right now.

Go look at our completed show report, just at one glance, at

You'll see four sets of product series (each with approx. 20 photos), four videos shot at 1080p, and nine articles all with original photos, all complete by the end of the last day of the show. The realities of show reporting and the expectations are just different now -- you must be more comprehensive and quicker. We cover shows relentlessly.

I can't speak for other press entities, but we put tremendous pressure on ourselves to do the best we can, and we spend the money to get over here and set up to actually do it (not cheap). You'll have to draw your own conclusions as to why others seem to have given up (I don't want to come off as a . . . you know).
Jeff as always thanks for the response and yeah good point, I did not think through that it may be a bit controversial and would not want you to step into it as they.

Thanks again and looking forward with interest on the Blade, now shame you could not compare it to the KEF Muon in your room :)
Personally I feel the Blade is a stunning looking speaker, some time ago I had the chance of seeing it at one of the dealers I use who are pretty much up the food chain for selling KEF in the UK.

Good coverage and particularly found interesting the bit on Bent Holter, his views on the RCA-BNC seems to match quite a few other audio engineers I have seen commenting on engineering type forums, and his use of an additional circuit to present an accurate-consistent 75ohm impedance is new to me (but makes sense).
Although his buffering just seems to remind me of Chord Electronics Watt's DAC Buffer and PSAudio McGowan's Lens.
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