Amanero now supporting native DSD In Linux


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2016
Not sure if this is old/new news or applicable, but I know I am wanting native DSD for use with HQP / Lampi

To enable/disable native DSD on Combo384 an USB Control request must be sent to endpoint 0. This procedure is supported on all firmware versions.
On firmware_1099rc1 an USB alternate settings "2" with a native DSD endpoint is supported.

The control request is of type Vendor to the Device.

wLength=sizeof( struct VAD_DATA ),
Data is a variable of type struct VAD_DATA

struct VAD_DATA {

unsigned int command;
unsigned int length;
unsigned int buffer[64];

To enable native DSD
buffer=undefined values

To disable native DSD
buffer=undefined values
I should have stated in the title "DSD native with Linux"
Okay - I was wondering what you were on about in the first post :)

Yeah I kind of figured that after the fact, oops :) I know the Lampi crowd (me included) using HQP/NAA will be happy to hear this. I asked the admin to append "Linux" to the description.
Yeah I kind of figured that after the fact, oops :) I know the Lampi crowd (me included) using HQP/NAA will be happy to hear this. I asked the admin to append "Linux" to the description.

Do you know a procedure on how to write the published commands in the firmware?
Do you know a procedure on how to write the published commands in the firmware?

Nope sorry, just relaying what I found

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