The Muse at Newport


WBF Technical Expert (Speakers & Audio Equipment)
Sep 6, 2010
Seattle, WA
Genesis Advanced Technologies, Inc. is going to be at The Show Newport, but it will not be the same-old, same-old with a pair of loudspeakers. This year, we are going to be there with the Genesis Muse - a music server!!

I've been demo-ing with a music server at shows since CES2006. In the first few years, we were laughed at. But after 9 years, no one is laughing and everybody else has jumped on the bandwagon. The Muse embodies our 9 years of experience, and is the best sounding music server I've ever built.

We will be showing in Room 323 with Dan Muzquiz and Blackbird Audio Gallery. The Muse will be fronting the $10,000 Viva Egoista tube headphone amp with 845's as output tubes driving the new HiFiMan HE-1000 headphones. I look forward to meeting other WBF members.

Whaattt??? Gary? No loudspeakers?

Muse small.jpg
Hi Gary,

Will you be offering GaBBy with a uPnP option? :)
Hi Gary,

Will you be offering GaBBy with a uPnP option? :)

The Genesis Muse is a full-fledged DLNA media renderer, so for example I can use my Sony Z3 phone and "throw" a DSD file at it and it will play. I tried 2xDSD but either the Sony or the WiFi glitches. However, up to 24/192 is no problem. I don't own any Apple devices, so I don't know if that will work.

I have not tried using it as a uPnP device for the CH Precision DAC (I'm guessing that's why you are asking), but when we used it as a USB player into the C1, that was the first time any of the assembled audience ever heard the C1 sounding better (more preferred by everyone in the audience) through USB than playing exactly the same file from a NAS that it was attached to.

Congrats Gary. But did you say you won't be showing any speakers at all???

Nope. No speakers at all :D
Way cool Gary! Hope you have a great time. Please let us know what music you play..always fun way to learn about new music!
Way cool Gary! Hope you have a great time. Please let us know what music you play..always fun way to learn about new music!

Oh don't worry. I definitely will.

Just noticed this thread. I will definitely be stopping by at Newport. Dan and I need to catch up. Will look forward to meeting you Gary.

Looking forward to it Davey.
How much is the Muse?

You'll probably end up seeing a lot more of me than you might want :p. I'll be spending quite a bit of time with Bob, catching up and listening to whatever new music he has found. Of course I'll also try to get him out of the room more than he managed last year.
The Muse is definitely not a mass production product and there is currently a build queue. I would suggest that anyone who really wants one to put down a deposit to secure a place in that queue.

It is ground-shakingly superb by the way. Gary is running in the first few to go out to their lucky owners and I walked back into the warehouse to find out what he was running them through because it sounded so damned good. I thought he had hooked up one of the new G2 towers maybe or the old prototype G4. Nope. They were running through the Warehouse system. A couple demo G7.1Cs that were pretty beat up with the old drivers - one of which was dented.

P.S. This is an endorsement from a little sister. Think about it. ;)
The Chinese pipa is a four-string plucked instrument similar to a lute, it is to me the most poetic of musical instruments. "Four strings are like a thousand words, one piece reveals ten thousand emotions."

My good friend, Todd Garfinkle of MA Recordings sent me the pre-release high-rez files from his latest recording: PeiJu Lien - Whisper (Solo pipa) and I have to say that it is spectacular. In my opinion, his best work yet. I thought that it was a stroke of genius to record a solo pipa in a French chapel and an Italian church. The way the notes resonate against the stone walls can be distinctly heard and it is easy to identify the difference in the ambience of the two locations in the music.

Two tracks were recorded at the Chiesa Santa Maria della Mucciatella in Puianello, Italy while the rest are recorded in the Chapel of Nevian, Aude (Languedoc-Roussillion), France. Can you hear the difference between French brick and Italian rocks?

If you are at The Show Newport, come and hear the world debut of this recording in the Blackbird Audio Gallery/Profundo Room 323. If you've never listened to Chinese Classical music, please let this piece be your first.


Does the Muse has a built-in DAC or were you using the VIVA Numerico DAC between the Muse and the VIVA Egoista ?

How does the HE1000 sound with the Egoista ? Usually, on trade show, VIVA uses LCD3 to demonstrate their Egoista ..
VIVA Egoista + Numerico.jpg
Integral Muse DAC, custom XLR to RCA cables to the older Viva integrated amp. The $3000 HiFiMan phones sounded great as long as both headphones jacks were being used.
Integral Muse DAC, custom XLR to RCA cables to the older Viva integrated amp. The $3000 HiFiMan phones sounded great as long as both headphones jacks were being used.

You mean the VIVA Numerico was NOT used in the "Muse + Egoista" set-up ?
Integral Muse DAC, custom XLR to RCA cables to the older Viva integrated amp. The $3000 HiFiMan phones sounded great as long as both headphones jacks were being used.

We used the first Viva Egoista 845 headphone amp in the USA. The HiFiMan phones sounded great - and as Rob said, both headphones jacks had to be used. We do have the Aude'ze LCD-3 and a number of other headphones in the room. I've tried a number of these 'phones with the Egoista, and they sound different. But I'm not a headphones kind of guy, and not a good person to comment on a comparison between the HE-1000 and the LCD-3.

The Numerico was NOT used.
We used the first Viva Egoista 845 headphone amp in the USA. The HiFiMan phones sounded great - and as Rob said, both headphones jacks had to be used. We do have the Aude'ze LCD-3 and a number of other headphones in the room. I've tried a number of these 'phones with the Egoista, and they sound different. But I'm not a headphones kind of guy, and not a good person to comment on a comparison between the HE-1000 and the LCD-3.

The Numerico was NOT used.

Thanks for your answer
After Newport, my Muse got kidnapped!! As Dan Musquiz said "Prying it outta my cold, dead fingers comes to mind" when I asked him when I could get it back. So..... if you are in South California, and would like to give my latest version of the Genesis Music Server a listen, contact him at Blackbird Audio Gallery.

Blackbird Muse.jpg

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  • What’s Best Forum is THE forum for high end audio, product reviews, advice and sharing experiences on the best of everything else. This is THE place where audiophiles and audio companies discuss vintage, contemporary and new audio products, music servers, music streamers, computer audio, digital-to-analog converters, turntables, phono stages, cartridges, reel-to-reel tape machines, speakers, headphones and tube and solid-state amplification. Founded in 2010 What’s Best Forum invites intelligent and courteous people of all interests and backgrounds to describe and discuss the best of everything. From beginners to life-long hobbyists to industry professionals, we enjoy learning about new things and meeting new people, and participating in spirited debates.

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