YG Acoustics Kipod II Signature speakers / active woofer


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2011
Alto, NM
Any one out there heard these speakers?

This is the newest version with the machined aluminum drivers, improved x-over, etc.

Not that model in particular, and only show-room experience. Saying that, I liked more the sound of small YGs than the larger models...but that is me.
Not that model in particular, and only show-room experience. Saying that, I liked more the sound of small YGs than the larger models...but that is me.

I'd be looking at the scaled down Sonjas.
Check out the new Haley. It's a better design. I love the Kipod but it is designed for smaller rooms. The Haley has a bigger woofer and larger volume. I think the Haley looks nicer too. Scotty has a pair. I haven't heard them yet. I hope I'll hear them soon. I am sure they are awesome.
Check out the new Haley. It's a better design. I love the Kipod but it is designed for smaller rooms. The Haley has a bigger woofer and larger volume. I think the Haley looks nicer too. Scotty has a pair. I haven't heard them yet. I hope I'll hear them soon. I am sure they are awesome.

The Hailey is a scaled down Sonja.

Plus there's one model under the Hailey too in the line.
Thanks for the input gentlemen but I only have so much money that I can print.

Can anyone comment on the "volume level" issue in a small to mid-size room? Say 15' X 20'.

Per the reviews and from what I've gleaned in talking with some folks, they play fine within "reasonable" volume levels.

90% of what I listen to is classical and jazz with peaks at 95db or so.

I wouldn't say that's a small room. I have heard the passive version of the kipod 2 in a larger room with krell amp. The bass was plentiful. I think Yoav is squeezing some extra low end out of the passive kipod. That's just my guess. If I got the kipod, it would have to be passive and a serious SS amp.

Thanks for the input gentlemen but I only have so much money that I can print.

Can anyone comment on the "volume level" issue in a small to mid-size room? Say 15' X 20'.

Per the reviews and from what I've gleaned in talking with some folks, they play fine within "reasonable" volume levels.

90% of what I listen to is classical and jazz with peaks at 95db or so.

Here is the YG line up;

Sonja 1.1(2 way mtm, head unit)
Sonja 1.2(add 1 bass module)
Sonja 1.3(add 1 more bass module)
Anat III
Anat III Studio
Anat III Pro
Kipod II

The new Hailey has the same woofer and tweeter as the Sonja, but instead of two 6" midrange drivers the Hailey has one 7.25" midrange driver.
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Thanks for the input gentlemen but I only have so much money that I can print.

Can anyone comment on the "volume level" issue in a small to mid-size room? Say 15' X 20'.

Per the reviews and from what I've gleaned in talking with some folks, they play fine within "reasonable" volume levels.

90% of what I listen to is classical and jazz with peaks at 95db or so.


Sorry Gordon thought the Hailey was actually a little less than the Kipod but maybe got the prices wrong.
Thanks for the input gentlemen but I only have so much money that I can print.

Can anyone comment on the "volume level" issue in a small to mid-size room? Say 15' X 20'.

Per the reviews and from what I've gleaned in talking with some folks, they play fine within "reasonable" volume levels.

90% of what I listen to is classical and jazz with peaks at 95db or so.


I have the Carmels in a 12x21 living room which are driven by by a Vitus SIA 025 integrated. I have no problems with volume levels and other than a headbanger I do not think other people would. The bass is not quite as low as with much bigger speakers as you would expect, but the quality is first class.The imagining, dynamics, soundstaging and channel separation are superb. If I remember rightly one of the top Stereophile reviewers said they were his favourite YG speakes earlier this year..
Barry, thanks for your insight. Very helpful.

Dallas, I have the Pass Labs X250.5 amp. Along with the powered sub, I don't think I'll be lacking for clean, undistorted power given the fact that the Pass Labs will only be driving the top module. I also like the fact that I can adjust the bass module's sound to address most room induced bass anomalies.

Myles, current MSRP's for the Kipod II Sig and the Hailey are $38,800 and $42,000 respectively. If I went with the Hailey, I'd probably need to shop for a new amp(s), which is something I really don't want to do. Having said that, the Hailey is certainly more visually attractive and only about 7" more in height.

Finally, my arrangement with GTT Audio is that I am buying a used pair and Bill will take my MBL 116's in trade. This minimizes current out of pocket expenses. A necessity at this point in time.

Many factors in the buying decision.

Thank you all again for your valuable input. D-day 2/21.

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Barry, thanks for your insight. Very helpful.

Dallas, I have the Pass Labs X250.5 amp. Along with the powered sub, I don't think I'll be lacking for clean, undistorted power given the fact that the Pass Labs will only be driving the top module. I also like the fact that I can adjust the bass module's sound to address most room induced bass anomalies.

Myles, current MSRP's for the Kipod II Sig and the Hailey are $38,800 and $42,000 respectively. If I went with the Hailey, I'd probably need to shop for a new amp(s), which is something I really don't want to do. Having said that, the Hailey is certainly more visually attractive and only about 7" more in height.

Finally, my arrangement with GTT Audio is that I am buying a used pair and Bill will take my MBL 116's in trade. This minimizes current out of pocket expenses. A necessity at this point in time.

Many factors in the buying decision.

Thank you all again for your valuable input. D-day 2/21.

Glad it was helpful GG.
I forgot to mention that they are on 6 Ultra SS Stillpoints which improved the sound significantly. Recommend you try them on the Kipods. I doubt you will be disappointed.
This room was better than s..


I will try my BDR pucks first. They worked quite well (floor isolation attenuation) with my Martin Logan Summits and my MBL's.

Peter, I'm confused. What are you saying?

I have had the Kipod II signatures with active woofer for around a year. Listening to them right now. Before these I had the Carmels. I am in a 14 x 19 x 8 room. Sound is very nice. Musical detailed, insane soundstage and imaging. Next stop will be the Haleys for me. Same woofer as Sonjas and I like the idea of the larger single midrange. If you have any questions let me know.
I have had the Kipod II signatures with active woofer for around a year. Listening to them right now. Before these I had the Carmels. I am in a 14 x 19 x 8 room. Sound is very nice. Musical detailed, insane soundstage and imaging. Next stop will be the Haleys for me. Same woofer as Sonjas and I like the idea of the larger single midrange. If you have any questions let me know.

I was very interested to read your post.
As you may have seen from my earlier contribution I have Carmels in a similar sized room and am tempted to move up to the Kipods, I would be grateful to learn how you found the Kipods to compare with the Carmels and the notable areas of improvement. I was also wondering if you considered the passive Kipods and if so why you preferred the active versions.
I look forward to reading your comments and thanks in advance
I was very interested to read your post.
As you may have seen from my earlier contribution I have Carmels in a similar sized room and am tempted to move up to the Kipods, I would be grateful to learn how you found the Kipods to compare with the Carmels and the notable areas of improvement. I was also wondering if you considered the passive Kipods and if so why you preferred the active versions.
I look forward to reading your comments and thanks in advance
I used my Carmels with a pr. of JL Audio F110 subs and never felt they were lacking, I ran them full range and used the subs from just under 40hz down. Sound was great. I listened to a comparison of the active and passive Kipods at YG. Felt the passives were slightly more coherent used with the DCS/krell system they had. But also felt my amps would do better with driving only the tops of the Kipods. I also have had bass issues in my room and thought the subs would be better for me. The bass from the Kipods is on a completely different level than what I had with the Carmel setup. Shocking how much better. I have my Kipods on the short wall 57" from the front wall to back of speakers, 33" from side walls to outside of speakers with a slight toe in. I'm around 9' from them. The only thing I miss about the Carmels was the way they pushed vocals a little forward and a little larger than the Kipods. All in all the Kipods are on a much higher level. Both are easy for my BAT REX monoblocks to drive, but I would (will) move to a big SS amp when moving up to bigger or any of the passive YG models. If you have any more detailed questions fell free to send me a message through this site.
Hi trh,

Thanks for your posts.

I'm going for the active model also for the same "amp friendly" reasons.

Any comments on the "volume" question would be appreciated.

Did you experience any distortion issues at louder volumes or are they fine except for the "head banger" type?


I also have the Carmels (driven by BMC M2 monoblocks) and am interested in the Stillpoint enhancement. What size adapters did you need to fit into the Carmels?


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