Hi from Raleigh, NC


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2013
Washington, DC
I became a member of this forum this week and I wanted to introduce myself.

I've been a music lover and audiophile since I was a teenager. I have an Electrical Engineering degree and worked as an engineer for a few years, but then went to law school and became a patent lawyer about 30 years ago. I've been a long time reader of many audio forums but never have been a big participant. I'm at the point of slowing down at work so that I feel I can contribute more. This forum appealed to me the most because of the backgrounds of the members, the quality, technical depth and subject matter diversity of the topics and the posts, and the respect and civility that I see.

I listen mostly to rock. I've been a big Bob Dylan fan since I was a teenager and his music has spoken to me at all stages of my life. I've seen Bob live 4-6 times a year for the last 20 or so years (very easy to do with his "Never Ending Tour"). Some of the other music I listen to revolves around Dylan (e.g. the Band) and other music I grew up with. I'm not limited to rock- I love Sinatra and Oscar Peterson, female vocals (Linda Ronstadt, Sade, Dianna Krall), but I've never gotten into classical music or 50's/60's jazz. My wife and I go to a lot of live music events of almost any genre.

Listening to music has always been my main leisure activity, and then as my career took off and the pressure increased, it has been my therapy. Listening to my favorite music in a dark room for several hours/week has been my stress relief/mood enhancer for decades. My equipment has evolved over the years to accomplish those goals.

I hope to contribute more as time goes on. Thank you for allowing me to participate.
Welcome neighbor. I'm in Charlotte.

Welcome Dylan! :)
Dylan-Welcome to the forum. I too was not a fan of jazz until several years ago. Now I just can't get enough. I strongly recommend that you listen to some jazz music from the 1950s and 1960s over your system and I think you will be amazed at how relaxing the music is, how well it's recorded, how it will make your system shine, and the musicianship of the players involved during that time period. If you want to unwind, de-stress, or decompress, older jazz music is a great way to melt into your listening chair and get a big smile on your face.
Welcome aboard. I am sure both your law and engineering degree will come in handy in discussions here :).
Thanks. We actually lived in Charlotte from 1988-1995. We moved down from NY with IBM and fell in love with the south. I Moved to Raleigh in'95.
Thanks mep. I've given jazz from the 50's 60's a try from time to time and I have two local "audio buddies" who are really into it and have brought over various recordings to play. Although I enjoy listening when they come over, I have to say that this music just don't float my boat. I agree regarding recording quality and making the system shine- old Sinatra does the same. Different strokes I guess. Thank you again.

Thank you too, Johnny Vinyl and amirm, for the welcome.
So what kind of rock do you enjoy? I'm a big Prog fan myself.
Johnny Vinyl: Based on the Number of CD's/SACD's: Dylan (by far), Allman Brothers, The Band, Blood Sweat & Tears (and Al Kooper), Beatles, Cream/Clapton, Jamie Cullum, Kinks, Van Morrison, Bob Marley, Tom Petty, Pink Floyd, Paul Simon, Santana, Sade, Ska, Traffic, Stevie Wonder. Thanks for asking (more than you wanted to know).
Johnny Vinyl: Based on the Number of CD's/SACD's: Dylan (by far), Allman Brothers, The Band, Blood Sweat & Tears (and Al Kooper), Beatles, Cream/Clapton, Jamie Cullum, Kinks, Van Morrison, Bob Marley, Tom Petty, Pink Floyd, Paul Simon, Santana, Sade, Ska, Traffic, Stevie Wonder. Thanks for asking (more than you wanted to know).

I'm not familiar with Jamie Cullum, but all of the others I enjoy and listen to regularly.

Some of my faves are Pink Floyd, The Alan Parsons Project, Harmonium, The Tragically Hip, Rickie Lee Jones, Kate Bush, Marvin Gaye, Ry Cooder, Supertramp Genesis (both with and without Peter Gabriel), PG himself, Roxy Music, David Bowie, The Loving Spoonful and the list goes on.
Johnny Vinyl: Based on the Number of CD's/SACD's: Dylan (by far), Allman Brothers, The Band, Blood Sweat & Tears (and Al Kooper), Beatles, Cream/Clapton, Jamie Cullum, Kinks, Van Morrison, Bob Marley, Tom Petty, Pink Floyd, Paul Simon, Santana, Sade, Ska, Traffic, Stevie Wonder. Thanks for asking (more than you wanted to know).

You need sot come to charlotte sometime when my band is playing. We play your music. :)

Johnny Vinyl- I hesitate to recommend music to someone else because what someone may like is so personal. If you want, check out "The Pursuit" by Jamie Cullum. He started out in the Michael Buble/Harry Connick vein playing his versions of standards, but now composes a lot of tunes himself. He's a great piano player, and he has his piano wired so he can play percussion on the soundboard. In concert, he's about 4 foot nothing but is a dynamo- sometimes plays the strings of the piano like a guitar. He's not that popular b/c he doesn't fit into a specific genre.

Tim- I'd love to take you up on that. We're going to Charlotte in January. You're so lucky you play music- my biggest regret in life is that I don't play anything. (Please don't say its never too late- my hand/eye coordination was never good and it hasn't gotten any better as I get older).
Thanks. We actually lived in Charlotte from 1988-1995. We moved down from NY with IBM and fell in love with the south. I Moved to Raleigh in'95.

Welcome Dylan.

I lived in Raleigh-Durham area from early 70's to 80's and build a family and worked in Charlotte till 1996 while commuting to Durham for the last two years before moving to Wisconsin. Now we are in PNW. Guess since we had been moving west, Hawaii is next...

BTW, who's selling quality hi-fi in Raleigh these days?
Thank you Ki Choi. In Raleigh, I've bought equipment from Audio Advice for at least 25 years (even when we lived in Charlotte). Great people, great equipment and great service.
Thank you Ki Choi. In Raleigh, I've bought equipment from Audio Advice for at least 25 years (even when we lived in Charlotte). Great people, great equipment and great service.

Wow, can't believe Audio Advice is still in business. I went in their store at Five Points (?) in 1975 and hadn't recovered from the shock. I got real job after school and bought a pair of 'bigger than Subaru' Polk Audio speakers...
Ki Choi- You have a good memory of Raleigh but not perfect- There was a store called "Audio Buys" in a very distinctive building in the "Five Points" area, but this store went bankrupt many, many years ago. I was referring to "Audio Advice" http://www.audioadvice.com/. They have been around the Raleigh area for over 30 years and are still going very strong. Regards from Raleigh, Dylan.
Hello, Dylan and welcome to the WBF. Charlotte chiming in here and you are correct, it's Audio Advice. I didn't think that they were in town that long ago. As far as I knew, they didn't show up in these parts until the old Tweeter building in Pineville sat vacant for about a year or so after the economy tanked. You weren't thinking of the one on Monroe Rd. were you? The name of the other one escapes me right now but John used to be the owner and was very close to McAlpine Park.

There is a private Hi-end shop here in Charlotte. If you are ever planning on coming to town, let's make an appointment.


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