Moscode 402AU


New Member
Apr 20, 2010
Raleigh, NC
I would appreciate comments about the Moscode 402AU or the previous model the 401HR from owners. My primary interest are with your impressions of the musical qualities of the amp and what tubes you found to be best?

This is your lucky day. I owned the 300,600,401hr,402au. I am currently listening to the 402au. I never tube rolled. mostly because I believe there is a correct sound. More than any other amp(unless I could afford the WAVAC DIRECT HEATED TRIODE) The amp is articulate (my speaker is the M/L CLS)and fast. You will find that singers don't mumble. Words are distinct and easily understandble. Instruments hang in space, emrgingng from and disappearing into a silent background. The soundstage is as if musicians walk on stage play thier instrument and leave. Drums just don't ring. A distinct thunk is the sound you hear.Cello and wood winds have that woody sound. Piano key strikes and has that decay, A hetty power supply assures notes rarely if ever blend together. The notes stop and start right on cue The amp is always ready for the next note. it is impeccably built.

I hear there is a souoed up version. Maybe I can get George to let me borrow it. MUNDORF COUPLING CAPS VISHAY RESISTORS $7495.00

Aas a moderator with no journalistic skills perhaps I can get George to consent to a mock interview.
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Thank you for the reply Gregadd. I would be very interested to read an interview with George, especially since I just commited to purchase a 402AU from a local dealer.

I was able to demo several amps within my price point and I found the Moscode to satisfy me best in my system. I guess I am somewhat surprised you have not rolled any tubes but I guess it also says something very positive about the tubes George supplies with the amp.

You can send me a private message about any questions you might have to ask George. His website addresses most of the questions you might have. There are many reviews around. I am confident you will be happy.
'I was able to demo several amps within my price point and I found the Moscode to satisfy me best in my system. Bigfish8. It is also good news that George is establishing a dealer network. I like direct sales but most audiophiles prefer a local dealer. I am confident you will be happy. What speakers are using? I actually think the amp may work better with cone speakers.

Disclaimer: I have no financial interest in the product. I do not endorse any product. I just share my experience with products I like.

I expect to have the amp for a while. Eventually I may get to tube rolling. I am also interested in the upgrade of resistors and caps.
My speakers are the new Usher Dancer Mini II's with the BE Tweeter and a new Diamond Tweeter on the way to replace it. The speakers are 90db, 4 ohm. I am using JPS SC-3 ICs and SCs and Black Sand Silver MKV PCs. Power is supplied by two dedicated 20 amp circuits.

Thanks again for the feedback.

Let us know when you receive your 402au, OK!
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Did you tell George I referred you? It's worth a hundred dollars to me.;)
BTW I'll be in Wilmington, sometime in May.
What tubes did you get?

I have never spoken with George. The Home Theater Doc in Raleigh is the new dealer and I made my decision by having his demo 402AU in my system two different times. I committed to the purchase on Thursday of last week.

I will receive and break-in the amp with the stock tubes. I have a pair of 6H30DRs I will put in the outside positions and do not know what I will switch to in the inside positions.

Thanks Again,

I was kidding of course. On my last count George had only two dealers and that was not one of them.
I was kidding of course. On my last count George had only two dealers and that was not one of them.

I believe The Home Theater Doc was evaluating several potential amps to decide which line he would add to his line. He allowed me to trial the Moscode 402AU he was evaluating and I believe he took on the line last week after I decided to pull the trigger on the purchase. Anyway, I am glad to have the support of a local dealer, who happens to be a really nice person to deal with, and am looking forward to receiving my new baby.

Has it arrived yet?
Okay how is it going? 50-100 hour break-in.
Okay how is it going? 50-100 hour break-in.

Unfortunately, due to my job I have to travel and I would estimate 6 hours of time on the amp so far. My impressions are:

1. The Moscode has an impression amount of grip and heft in the bottom-end.
2. It provides me with a sense of more control.
3. The music is presented an incisive manner with speed, detail and a sense of more attack than my previous amps.
4. I am also extremely impressed with note separation, decay and the lack of graininess.

Please note that I am using the stock supplied tubes in the amp.

System: Moscode 402 AU Amp, ModWright Modified Transporter with EML 5U4G Mesh Rectifier & Black Treasure Signal Tubes, Mapletree Line 2A-SE Preamp with Mullard 6X5GT Rectifier and Tung-Sol 6SN7 Round Plates, JPS Superconductor 3 ICs and SCs, Black Sand Silver MK-V- PCs and Usher Dancer Mini II Speakers.

Unfortunately, due to my job I have to travel and I would estimate 6 hours of time on the amp so far. My impressions are:

1. The Moscode has an impression amount of grip and heft in the bottom-end.
2. It provides me with a sense of more control.
3. The music is presented an incisive manner with speed, detail and a sense of more attack than my previous amps.
4. I am also extremely impressed with note separation, decay and the lack of graininess.

Please note that I am using the stock supplied tubes in the amp.

System: Moscode 402 AU Amp, ModWright Modified Transporter with EML 5U4G Mesh Rectifier & Black Treasure Signal Tubes, Mapletree Line 2A-SE Preamp with Mullard 6X5GT Rectifier and Tung-Sol 6SN7 Round Plates, JPS Superconductor 3 ICs and SCs, Black Sand Silver MK-V- PCs and Usher Dancer Mini II Speakers.


Those are some very impressive tubes Ken.

If I might ask if you have some places you buy your tubes that you might want to share with other tube lovers

BTW, welcome to the world of tubes
Ken at some point the amp will portray some musical pieces as hauntingly real. it will be as though the musician is in the room. That should happen between 40-100hrs.
The more time I send with my Moscode 402AU the more I realize I made a good choice in this amp. As compared to my previous monoblocs there is a dramatic increase in the sense of speed, note seperation and punch. I am still running the stock tubes and won't experiment until I am through the break-in period.


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