Hello WBFM,
Long time lurker, first time poster. I’m seeking advice on a set of new speakers. I’ve been a Harbeth owner for the last 6 years, with a couple Dynaudio jaunts (Heritage Special, C4 Signatures), but have only ever ran the SHL5+, and SHL5+ XD’s. I’m a little challenged with listening to gear, as the nearest worthwhile dealer is about 3 hours away, along with a busy daily work schedule places me in a position of many….pouring thru forums and posting questions. Additionally, I operate a few years behind everyone else, used gear is really the only way I”m able to level up. I have a set of Pass Labs XA100.5’s, have ran McIntosh and PS Audio monos, I’ve used PS Audio DACs, and Pre’s, along with Pass Labs and Coda preamps. I’ve gone direct from the DAC to the amps, tested Shunyata, Audioquest, Cardas and Audience cabling. I’ve ran Shunyata and Nordost power conditioning. All to say, I’ve tested and ran thru some gear.
I now have a larger room, with one side open but it is spacious/deep approx 35 feet by 18 feet wide, excluding the side of the room where it opens up. The SLH5’s sound good, traditionally Harbeth, but as many say, they just don’t have that “grip” at higher volumes. I’m in the midst of moving room treatments around, post Sumiko Speaker placement, along with Jim Smith’s wisdom, I do believe they’re very close to optimum placement. Not all the time, but enough for me to notice, at higher volumes there can be slight midrange harshness; which if I listen too long at those volumes, ear fatigue sets in.
I listen to a wide smattering of music, Jazz, Tool, Radiohead, LoG, Led Zepp…basically, everything but Pop, Country and Rap…though NWA has been known to receive some spins. I do have a slight sensitivity to overly bright, the XA’s and tube pre have really leveled that off. I say all this, because I really would like to have a go with a set of Magico S3 MKII’s. I’ll be running both speakers, and will eventually move the Harbeth’s to a secondary setup. I understand the notion “you really should listen to them,” but I’ll likely rely upon reviews and commentary for the purchase.
I’m also looking into moving up the preamp to the VTL 7.5 or VAC Master, if anyone has experience with either of those + Magico’s, any info is greatly appreciated.
I’d also be interested to hear from anyone that has swapped out of an Inakustik, I recall reading that they contributed some “brightness”, causing them to swap into another power distributor.

Long time lurker, first time poster. I’m seeking advice on a set of new speakers. I’ve been a Harbeth owner for the last 6 years, with a couple Dynaudio jaunts (Heritage Special, C4 Signatures), but have only ever ran the SHL5+, and SHL5+ XD’s. I’m a little challenged with listening to gear, as the nearest worthwhile dealer is about 3 hours away, along with a busy daily work schedule places me in a position of many….pouring thru forums and posting questions. Additionally, I operate a few years behind everyone else, used gear is really the only way I”m able to level up. I have a set of Pass Labs XA100.5’s, have ran McIntosh and PS Audio monos, I’ve used PS Audio DACs, and Pre’s, along with Pass Labs and Coda preamps. I’ve gone direct from the DAC to the amps, tested Shunyata, Audioquest, Cardas and Audience cabling. I’ve ran Shunyata and Nordost power conditioning. All to say, I’ve tested and ran thru some gear.
I now have a larger room, with one side open but it is spacious/deep approx 35 feet by 18 feet wide, excluding the side of the room where it opens up. The SLH5’s sound good, traditionally Harbeth, but as many say, they just don’t have that “grip” at higher volumes. I’m in the midst of moving room treatments around, post Sumiko Speaker placement, along with Jim Smith’s wisdom, I do believe they’re very close to optimum placement. Not all the time, but enough for me to notice, at higher volumes there can be slight midrange harshness; which if I listen too long at those volumes, ear fatigue sets in.
I listen to a wide smattering of music, Jazz, Tool, Radiohead, LoG, Led Zepp…basically, everything but Pop, Country and Rap…though NWA has been known to receive some spins. I do have a slight sensitivity to overly bright, the XA’s and tube pre have really leveled that off. I say all this, because I really would like to have a go with a set of Magico S3 MKII’s. I’ll be running both speakers, and will eventually move the Harbeth’s to a secondary setup. I understand the notion “you really should listen to them,” but I’ll likely rely upon reviews and commentary for the purchase.
I’m also looking into moving up the preamp to the VTL 7.5 or VAC Master, if anyone has experience with either of those + Magico’s, any info is greatly appreciated.
I’d also be interested to hear from anyone that has swapped out of an Inakustik, I recall reading that they contributed some “brightness”, causing them to swap into another power distributor.

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