Granite Audio 770R Pre-Amp


Apr 19, 2022

Granite Audio 770R Pre-Amp​

Not many reviews on this unit out there ,so here's my take.
The 770 preamp does what all Pre's should do it neither adds nor subtracts from the musical experience.
It presents the music in a pure and uncolored way allowing the artists vison to present itself as recorded.
The phono stage is especially magical, dead quiet backgrounds, super wide soundstage, extended frequency response from the very bottom to the highest highs.
If the recording is not up to snuff this unit will let you know straightaway, that being said even iffy recordings sound good on this unit.
I have been extremely happy with this preamp & feel anyone looking for a tube preamp with an amazing tube phono stage would do themselves justice in previewing this unit
The only weakness I can find is limited information on the internet. I believe the audio community is overlooking a fine piece... .
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