MM3 - please describe the sound

I've been contemplating putting my pair up for sale.

Interesting. If you're patient you may indeed get $35. Mike's are a bit older than yours. What would you replace them with? Since you are apperently toying with the idea of placing some subs in the room to smooth out the bass response probably something that does not need to go down to 10 Hz, as your low bass would be taken care off through subs. Just speculating of course. The one speaker I would have considered is the TAD (purely based on reputation).
Wait! There's a vaccine??!!

Is it Stereophile Class-A rated?

There is no vaccine. It is an obsessive compulsive disorder. Your best bet is counceling or a 12 step recovery program. However, if you an afford it, your best bet is to just get your upgrade fix. That is what I do too.

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